– Part of the travel procedure agency agreement

Chapter 1 General Provisions

(Scope of application)

Article 1 _

  1. The travel procedure agency contract concluded between the Company and the traveler shall be in accordance with the provisions of this agreement . Matters not stipulated in this contract shall be governed by laws and ordinances or generally established customs.
2. If the Company concludes a special agreement in writing to the extent that it does not violate the law and is not disadvantageous to travelers, that special agreement will take precedence regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

(Travelers Concluding Travel Procedure Agency Contracts)

Article 2 _

Travelers with whom we have entered into travel procedure agency agreements are those travelers who have concluded agent-organized tour contracts, custom-ordered tours, or arranged travel contracts with us, or agent-organized tours of other travel agencies entrusted by us. A traveler for whom the Company has concluded a contract on behalf of

(Definition of Travel Procedure Agency Agreement)

Article 3 _

In these terms and conditions, a “travel formalities agency contract” means that we agree to collect travel service handling charges (hereinafter referred to as “travel formalities agency charges”) for travel procedures on behalf of our company, entrusted by travelers means a contract undertaking to perform the following operations (hereinafter referred to as “agency operations”).

(1) Procedures for obtaining passports, visas, re-entry permits and various certificates
(2) Preparation of documents for immigration procedures
(3) Other operations related to the preceding items

(Establishment of contract)

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Article 4 _

  1. Travelers who wish to enter into a travel agency contract with us must fill out the prescribed matters on the application form prescribed by our company and submit it to our company .
2. The travel procedure agency contract shall be concluded when our company accepts the conclusion of the contract and receives the application form in the preceding paragraph.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the Company may accept applications for travel procedure agency agreements by telephone, mail, facsimile, or other means of communication without receiving application forms . In this case, the travel procedure agency contract shall be concluded when the Company approves the conclusion of the contract.
4. The Company may refuse to conclude a travel agency contract for business reasons .
5. Promptly after the conclusion of the travel procedure agency contract, the Company shall inform the traveler of the content of the agency service (hereinafter referred to as the “consignment service”) under the said travel procedure agency contract, the amount of the travel procedure agency fee , We will issue a document that describes the method of receipt, our responsibility, and other necessary matters.
6. With the consent of the traveler in advance, the Company shall, instead of issuing the document set forth in the preceding paragraph, use information and communication technology to describe matters to be stated in said document (hereinafter referred to as “statements”) . provided, we will confirm that the items listed have been recorded in a file provided on the communication device used by the traveler.
7.In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the communication device used by the traveler does not have a file for recording the items, the file provided on the communication device used by the Company (exclusively for the traveler’s use ) ), and confirm that the traveler has read the information.


Article 5 _

We will ensure that we do not disclose to others any information that we have obtained in carrying out consignment work.

(Obligations of travelers)

Article 6 _

  1. Travelers must pay the travel procedure agency fee by the date set by the Company .
2. Travelers must submit documents, materials and other items (hereinafter referred to as “travel procedure documents, etc.”) necessary for the commissioned work to the Company by the date set by the Company .
3. In performing the commissioned work, the Company must pay fees, visa fees, consignment fees, and other fees (hereinafter referred to as “visa fees, etc.”) to Japanese government offices, foreign diplomatic establishments in Japan, and other persons . If so, the traveler must pay the visa fee, etc. to the Company by the date specified by the Company.
4. In the event that there are postage costs, transportation costs, or other costs incurred in carrying out the commissioned work, the traveler must pay the said costs to the Company by the date specified by the Company.

(Cancellation of contract)

Article 7 _

  1. The traveler can cancel all or part of the travel procedure agency contract at any time .
2. In the following cases, the Company may cancel the travel procedure agency contract .
(1) When the traveler does not submit travel procedure documents, etc. by the prescribed date.
(2) When the Company recognizes that the travel procedure documents, etc. submitted by the Traveler are incomplete.
(3) When the traveler does not pay the travel procedure agency fee, visa fee, etc. or the expenses set forth in paragraph 4 of the preceding article by the prescribed date.
(4) In the case of undertaking the agency work of Article 3, Item 1, the traveler is required to provide a passport, visa or re-entry permit (hereinafter referred to as “passport, etc.”) for reasons not attributable to our company . ).
3. When the travel procedure agency contract is canceled based on the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, the traveler shall bear the already paid visa fees, etc. and the expenses set forth in paragraph 4 of the preceding article. You must pay the travel procedure agency fee related to the consignment work you performed.

(Responsibility of our company)

Article 8 _

  1. If the Company causes damage to the traveler intentionally or negligently in the performance of the travel formalities contract, the Company shall be responsible for compensating for the damage . However, this is limited to when the Company is notified within six months from the day following the occurrence of the damage.
2. The Company does not guarantee that the Traveler will actually be able to obtain a passport, etc., or that he or she will be permitted to enter or leave the relevant countries under the Travel Procedures Agency Agreement . Therefore, even if a traveler is unable to obtain a passport, etc., or is not permitted to enter or leave a relevant country due to reasons not attributable to the Company, the Company shall not be held liable.

(Complaint submission)

Article 9 _

Travelers may apply to the following associations for assistance in resolving complaints regarding the Company and the travel business if the parties are unable to resolve the complaints.

given name National Association of Travel Agents
Location Nakaba Building 8F , 3-22 Ichigayahonmachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Talk (03) 5261-5311